Being compelled to make art has been a gift to my heart, mind, body and soul.  Making art has allowed me to express what is sometimes inexpressible with words. It has allowed me to share with others the contents of my dreams, my inner fears, deepest loves, and the process of healing many childhood hurts. Often it is about the ever ongoing journey of transformation that we as human beings can experience throughout our lives should we choose to follow that thread.

I create because there is a need to express what comes to me from deep down, whether it’s the awe I feel when I look into the compelling center of a lily, or the pain and tenderness that sometimes rises up to be seen, or the joy of my own inner spring of love. There’s an urge to share with others these big feelings and experiences, and to be understood. Isn’t that so much a part of being here, to be in connection and communion with others?  It seems that art in all its various forms brings us together as it helps us appreciate our differences, and also reveals to us what we have in common. ~ With deepest appreciation for “seeing” me and allowing me to share my art with you.